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OML News

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Oklahoma Municipal League partners with Oklahoma City University to present Learn to Govern program

Oklahoma City, OK - On January 18, 2020, the Oklahoma Municipal League (OML), in partnership with the Oklahoma City University (OCU), will begin offering a six-week, Saturday morning only program, called Learn to Govern.  This program has been specifically designed for people wanting to learn more about the challenges, expectations, and opportunities that being part of municipal government entail.   

The classes will be delivered both online and in person on the Oklahoma City University campus, 8:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m., beginning Saturday, January 18 and ending Saturday, February 22.  For the online instruction, you can sit in and participate using your browser from anywhere in the state.

According to Mike Fina, Executive Director of OML, this program is an extension of the plan of work that is provided to all members of the organization throughout the year.  “One of the primary goals at OML is to present to our municipal officials ongoing training in all areas of municipal government.  This program takes a little different approach in that it is primarily aimed at citizens who are interested in running for a municipal office or are already in office and seeking additional training,” Fina said.

There are two (2) tracks for the Learn to Govern program that are specifically aimed at providing information to municipal officials, the Learn to Govern: Leadership & Public Administration Municipalities Certificate Program and the Learn to Govern: Leadership & Public Administration Legislative Certificate Program.  There is a third track, the Learn to Govern: Leadership & Public Administration School Board Certificate Program for those people seeking information about public school board administration.  All three tracks will be led by very knowledgeable instructors in every aspect of municipal government and school board governance. 

The tuition for each track is $250 for six (6) classes of instruction.  Registration is open up to Friday, January 17 by going to okcu.edu/enroll or by calling Susan Winchester at 405.206.8252 or by emailing swinchester@okcu.edu.

For additional information regarding the course of study for these tracks, please see the following links:

Learn To Govern - Legislature
Learn to Govern - School Board
Learn to Govern - Municipalities
Class Schedule and Speakers - Municipalities


Christy Christoffersen