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OML News

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Municipal Health Solutions (MHS) announces that three of our insurance plans have been approved by Insure Oklahoma

Municipal Health Solutions (MHS) is pleased to announce that three of our insurance plans have been approved by Insure Oklahoma, which will allow our participating municipalities the ability to utilize the benefits they can offer employees.  “We are very excited about this announcement and are hopeful that our cities and towns will continue to contact us for additional information regarding our municipal health insurance program.  We have a great team put together that has already been meeting with dozens of our municipalities and are looking forward to meeting with others,” Nancee Morris, MHS Plan Administrator said.  

The plan will go into effect January 1, 2021.  

MHS, developed by representatives from cities across the state, is a fully funded multiple employee benefit plan that leverages the negotiating power of participating municipalities to help stabilize healthcare rates now and in the future.

The spiraling cost of benefits impacts us all.  MHS is dedicated to developing innovative solutions that deliver a win for both municipalities and their employees.

MHS offers a full suite of benefits, including medical, vision, dental, pharmaceutical, and other supplemental coverages.

If you are interested in learning more about the program and how it can benefit your municipality, please contact Nancee Morris, MHS Plan Administrator at 405.528.7515 or email: nancee@oml.org. You may also visit our website: www.mhsok.org.